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Foundry CoWork

CoWork is founded and owned by Heather Fish. CoWork is a space that is created in the Parkside commons that community members can come together whether freelancers or home-based employees — or small groups to come together in a larger location that offers amenities that are typically unavailable when people work from home or try to make a restaurant or a borrowed room in a church basement function as a conference space. Co work is committed to making Meadville strong again. They do that by making CoWork a building place of community that can work together on the culture of alienation.


Co Work is focused on logic of commitment. This space makes Meadville better because when small business owners have nowhere to go to get work done, CoWork is there. When local people are together and thriving not only are they building a bigger network, but they are making Meadville thrive. Neoliberalism’s self branding is established through CoWork. Hard working individuals coming together to improve their own business and image will establish a higher competition, which will therefore create everyone to self-improve and make Meadville’s community a better working place. Heather’s work is directly linked to Meadville community. As Heather says herself, her product IS community.

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